Monday, June 11, 2012

This is not the best picture of a really tasty sandwich but I wanted to share it with you all since I decided to make them tonight.  We went to Destin, Florida for a family vacation a couple of weeks ago and my sister in law Judy made these yummy little chicken croquettes for her grandchildren.  The entire beach house smelled divine and so I snuck a bite!  Oh my goodness...they were soooo good!!!  The onion and garlic smell amazing when they were cooking!  I've been thinking about making these little babies ever since I got back.  I literally threw these together, cooked, and had them on the table in less than 30 minutes.

The drink you see is pomegranate lemonade with a splash of sugar-free raspberry syrup.  It is a wonderful thirst quencher and pomegranate juice is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants....I feel healthier just talking about it!

1/4 of a medium onion
   2 garlic cloves
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1 large egg
1-7ounce package of Premium Chunk White Chicken, shredded
Panko Bread Crumbs

In a food processor, process egg, onion, garlic, and parmesan cheese until liquified.  Pour into a bowl and add the chicken (I put the chicken in the food processor and pulsed it a few times to mince) and enough Panko bread crumbs to make it the consistency of a crab cake.  I would say start with 1/4 cup and add more, if needed.  Mix all ingredients well and form into 3 croquettes.  Coat each croquette with panko bread crumbs.  They tend to be a little fragile before cooking so use a light hand when transferring them into the frying pan.

In a medium fry pan, heat olive oil or coconut oil (whatever your preference) and fry the patties until golden brown on both sides.  Serve while hot!

Crystal Light Lemonade
2 cups of Pomegranate Juice
Sugar-Free Raspberry Syrup (like is used with coffees and teas)

Mix a 2 quart lemonade pouch with 1-3/4 quarts (7 cups) of water.  Add pomegranate juice and stir well in a pitcher. 
Pour a couple of tablespoons of Sugar-Free Raspberry Syrup to a glass, add ice, pour in some of the lemonade mixture and stir.  Add a pretty straw and enjoy!

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